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In Singhania Mansion

Aisha and Yuvraj stood at the entrance of the Singhania mansion, Yuvraj mother Vani Singhania put the kalash at the entrance, infront of the newly wedded couple and lovingly said ' Aishu beta slowly kick the kalash and then you can enter your new home'. Aisha then kicked the kalash and entered the house with her heart filled warmth after hearing mother in law next words' Aishu I know everything is new for you here but I'm always there for you and please call me mom from now onwards. Aisha then just said' ok mom' and her mother in law hugged her. Aisha suddenly felt the mother love which she was craving from her chidhood even after she had her uncle and aunt with her but the mother and father is always different , and special. Then her father in law Dhanraj Singhania said ' Aishu you are my daughter which i never had and if my son troubles you can compliant to me and kissed her crown ,and lovingly patted her her head, and from now you will be calling me dad. Aisha just felt that her heart will explod with all this love and just said ' yes dad'. Then brother in law peeped in and, said ' My dear bhabhi I'm your's husband one and only brother and your's one and only brother in law , Adarsh Singhania the coolest member of this family and from onwards you will be my crime partner, and gave a side hug. Aisha lovingly reciprocated the hug and patted his hug . In all this Yuvraj who was just observing everything said ' Adarsh complete the new project by tomorrow'. Adarsh who was blooming after getting his new crime partner suddenlygot a shock and annoyingly said' Bhai but deadline is 1 week later why now ? Yuvraj just shrugged his shoulders and , said ' you have to do it by tommorow' while glaring and poor Adarsh just whined liked a baby.

Seeing this drama of her both the sons Vani said' okay everyone let's start the rasam and ordered the servants to bring the milk and water bowl with rose petals to start the rasam . Servants then quickly brought the bowl and placed it on main table of the drawing room. Vani then said, now Yuvi and Aishu you both have play this game and further explained the game that one who will first find the ring in the bowl will win the game and will have upper hand in marriage , and dropped the heirloom ring in the bowl. Then Yuvraj and Aisha started to find the ring in the blow and Vani , Dhanraj and Adarsh just cheered for both of them.

Yuvraj and Aisha both were trying there best to find the ring in the bowl and suddenly Yuvraj hand came in contact with the ring and just then Aisha also find out the ring . Both of them just made an eye contact and new sensation passed their whole bodies . Aisha then just winked and smiled at him and Yuvraj just dropped the ring in the bowl while in shock. Just then Aisha grabbed the ring and took it out the ring from the bowl happily. Vani declared her the winner of the game and congratulated her, Dhanraj and Adarsh also squealed in happiness for her and congratulated her. Yuvraj just amusingly looked towards her and shaked his head in happiness and thought that his wife is full of surprises.

After this everyone moved towards their rooms as it was pretty late and Yuvraj just grabbed Aisha hand and both of them started to walk towards their room.

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